Budget Destination Posts

How to Travel to Specific Places on the cheap

Peru is a great budget destination, and we were able to travel around for over a month and spend on average only

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Want to spend an extended period of time traveling Chile but have heard it's an expensive place? Well, here's the low-down on

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Long Term Budget Travel Posts

How to Stay on the road & spend less money

So, you want to go to China to teach and the first job that popped up in your search bar was EF

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If you want to travel and teach English in South America, The English Opens Doors Program (EODP), or Inglés Abre Puertas, is

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Looking to work short-term while traveling in exchange for free room and board? Workaday is a really good option to save some

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Budget Travel Tips Posts

Tips and tricks to budgeting while traveling

Getting a Chinese Z Work Visa for English TeachersIf you’re thinking on teaching English in China, you’re going to need to apply

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I’ve recently moved into my Chinese apartment in Chongqing, China and had to buy some essentials for my new apartment. Lucky for

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About Me

Hello, I'm Emmajean. I write thorough, well-researched posts about places I've been to and my experiences. My passion is to promote responsible travel, and to engage in deeper conversations about identity, privilege and history. No one's perfect, and I'm still figuring out this travel lifestyle. Come join me as I stumble through each different journey.


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opinions on travel

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