Morocco Posts
All my posts on morocco
A Review of Saba Mahmoud's Feminist Theory, Embodiment, and the Docile Agent: Some Reflections on the Egyptian Islamic Revival Read Mahmoud's essay
Morocco is an intense country to visit. I experienced some of the strangest, most exhilarating moments; sometimes I still think back and
Thoughts on Identity While Abroad in MoroccoIt was a typical Thursday night when we left the boat bar, stomachs full of shitty
6 Reasons to Learn Moroccan Colloquial ArabicI'm the only person within my study abroad group that has come to Morocco without any

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Hello, I'm Emmajean. I write thorough, well-researched posts about places I've been to and my experiences. My passion is to promote responsible travel, and to engage in deeper conversations about identity, privilege and history. No one's perfect, and I'm still figuring out this travel lifestyle. Come join me as I stumble through each different journey.
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